
How Much Do I Charge For Computer Repair

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May 26, 2009
  • #1
I work in IT, a co-worker brought in his personal laptop for me to fix, loaded up with malware viruses, even after cleaning it was extremely slow, talked with him decided reformat and reinstall Windows was the best option, which I did and install the latest drivers, some anti-malware programs etc,etc. How much should I charge for this. I had someone bring in there computer earlier and they gave me 150 bucks to repair a 300 dollar computer...

I know this is a unusual question.

Sep 30, 2008
  • #2
That's your call. I try to price things way under the box stores. I charge 40 for virus removal and maybe like 20 for install updates and transfer data.
May 26, 2009
  • #3
That's your call. I try to price things way under the box stores. I charge 40 for virus removal and maybe like 20 for install updates and transfer data.

Yeha I know its my call but I dont know where I should really start for pricing. I wouldnt feel comfortable charging to much. I though 150 for a 300 laptop was insane but she wouldnt take some of the money back..

Jul 24, 2009
  • #4
I normally charge £20 for a complete o/s install.
Dec 19, 2006
  • #5
Personally I charge 85 for tuneups, which is virus cleanup, install all updates, defrag, clean registry, and install free av program for their use, 100 for OS reinstalls. 25 for data backups. 90 for home computer setup, 90 for wifi network setup.

I used to think like you about not charging too much, I am not the most expensive, but middle of the road. Thing is man, you are the expert. People pay for your knowledge. If you dont charge enough, some people might equate your work with being low quality even though you might do a better job than other places, but you are saying with too low pricing that your time is not valuable.

Like me, I work part time in tech field, do this on the side, my wife takes calls when Im out and schedules, but lately I have been slammed.

Just remember when someone brings their computer to you, its about like someone taking a car to mechanic, you are the expert, you have to be confident. However, be honest, if you feel that a repair is not worth your customer's cash, you need to tell your customer that.

Feb 17, 2001
  • #6
What's your time worth? I charge engineering rates to do basic work for people. Why? Because my time is worth more than removing a virus off someone's computer.

Someone had asked me to look at their computer. I'm at their house and they tell me what they want. Whatever it was I was done in less than 10 minutes and the pay was $50. They said it was unfair, that it only took me a few minutes to complete and $50 was expensive.

I said I've spend my entire career learning how to do these things. :)

And they paid me. I don't really do side work for people because it almost always turns out to be more of a headache than what it is worth. Soon they'll call you asking you questions for free.

I would suggest you write up a billing rate for certain items you want to work on. Virus removal, malware, x-cost. Updates, defrag, x-cost. So when people come asking, you have the answer.

Oct 28, 2010
  • #7
haha i guess i'm a sucker. not sure how many pc's i've fixed for friends and co-workers for free. i've had a couple give me 20 or 30 bucks even when i tried to refuse accepting it.

i've always told them i'll do it but its on my time at my pace, if it takes me having the pc for one day or one week. i really spend very little of my own time most of the time is the pc just sitting there doing its thing while i work on my own pc's and such.

i had one friend who brought me the slowest pc ever, i swear it was horrid. it littelry was a 20min to boot completly. ran super anti spyware on it over 1500 items, updated and such a second time and then removed antoher 700 things.

even when it was fully done it was still slow but as fast as ti could be, they said it was faster than it ever had been, i gave them a small list of possible upgrades that was cheap but told them if they was to spend more than xx to skip it and get a new pc.

in reality data recover is the worst thing i hate doing. only because i don't have professional software and such to do that and its always takes to long. simple os installs and updates are much easier.

i almost ordered a t-shirt of or something like that that said "no i will not fix your computer"

Dec 10, 2002
  • #8
haha you guys dont want to know what i charge where i work, people want service and to feel comfortable about leaving there computer with someone and having there issues solved (solutions) - we charge just under 100 AUD just to test the machine out and give a quote on how much to fix haha i must do atleast 30 jobs a week.
Hard Line
Apr 15, 2008
  • #9
I do that very thing and when i do is take my main competitor's prices, ( usually best buy) and have my prices the same or lower ( I choose lower) doesn't have to be much lower for them to choose you.. in a customer's mind 5-10 bucks is 5-10 bucks..) you gota think like a customer.. house calls are usually 30 bucks more for the trouble of going to the client and limiting how much work i can do at a time by leaving the other computers that need work. then i have an emergency serice which i charge more for to be put ahead of everyone else which everyone is notified that it can happen at the time of drop off ( however it usually does not affect anyone)
  • #10
Last tune-up I did was christmas week and I charged a christmas tree :) He was going to get his tree and I didn't need to go out when it was -25C. Usually I charge 50€ for format and OS install otherwise around 30€/h
  • #11
Here are some baseline pricing I've found acceptable to charge. I adjust pricing based on how much stuff I end up doing for the customer.
- copy documents/pictures from hard drive: $1 per GB
- diagnose hard drive and/or fix bad sectors with utility: $80
- replace hard drive, install OS, and copy files onto new: $120 - $150
- replace/add components: $20 - memory, $40 - desktop power supply, $120 - laptop mother board
- remove virus/malware: $60 - $80
- install updates for OS or general software: $20 - $60

All parts replacements or additions: price of part plus $10 to $20

Kevin The PC Doctor

Nov 22, 2012
  • #12
Charging means that taking the fee of your labor and in computer repairing it must depends on fault of the computer and if there is a device or part that need to have change then charges may increase, but it also most depend on time that a technition may surf on the repairing of the system.And it also depends on other many factors.
Sep 17, 2013
  • #13

I have been looking this kind of service information and at last I found it. There are many site provide computer repairing service. I have found one of these site ( ) that provide this service and I think that help us. Anybody know another this kind of information plese post here.

Thank You.

Jan 25, 2013
  • #14

Why? Because your customers don't value your time.

I was charging $30/hour in 1/2 hour increments. Customers would always try to beat me down in price and just drag ass about fixing it. Thinking I'm some slug begging for work.

I charge $75/hr for home PC & $100/hr for commercial work. If I fix it in 5 minutes it's half the hourly rate.

When you charge more you have less BSing time with the customer. Be direct, be serious, be professional!

Do what the customer asks and leave. Give them a brief written explaination of what you did and why. Include suggestions in it.

Don't stick around and BS with them after you are paid they will try to get you to do other stuff for free....I don't want to sound like a jerk but I've seen so many games played by customers trying to get stuff for free but when you need a favor from them or service from them...just watch how the tables turn on you!!!

Don't be a chump!

Watch the language - G

Feb 20, 2010
  • #15
I know this is an old thread but I'm giving my 2 cents anyways for the next guy who comes along. Kapn Kevin has a great response. I agree with Beachnative as well although being a nice guy is always part of the job. Some other good responses too.

I couldn't agree more about being undervalued. Too many techs (backyard Joes) out there trying to undercut the competition. People need to remember that this puts food on the table like any other job. I only wish this industry would sets its prices like gas stations but also REQUIRE a license to provide this sort of work. I know I would have a lot more business if we did.

$75 for a reload is a good starting point. Anybody who has been around knows that the reload plus all the updates is going to cost 2 - 3 hours of bench time so $75 is a good starting point. Don't get me wrong, shop rate is $70/hr. so we offer a flat rate for these jobs unless we are doing them onsite. I charge $60 for virus and Malware removal in the shop too. If that doesn't fix it then I charge the difference for a reload.

Recently I have been jumping straight to the reload just because of time constraints. I will be raising my prices soon too. Seems my competition are all charging more than I. At least my official competition is. I know there is some home guys doing it for less but all they do is undermine the economy. Of course, try and explain that to someone wanting it on the cheap.

Reload = $75
Virus clean = $60
Add components = $35 but $20 for memory. (free depending on other work being done)
Motherboard = Minimum 1 hr.
Laptop(including MacBook) repair starts at $45
PC (including Mac) starts at $35

I currently have a 7 to 10 day wait time. First come first served and I will not hold a spot in line.

Hope this helps.


Jan 25, 2013
  • #16
I know this is an old thread but I'm giving my 2 cents anyways for the next guy who comes along. Kapn Kevin has a great response. I agree with Beachnative as well although being a nice guy is always part of the job. Some other good responses too.

I couldn't agree more about being undervalued. Too many techs (backyard Joes) out there trying to undercut the competition. People need to remember that this puts food on the table like any other job. I only wish this industry would sets its prices like gas stations but also REQUIRE a license to provide this sort of work. I know I would have a lot more business if we did.

$75 for a reload is a good starting point. Anybody who has been around knows that the reload plus all the updates is going to cost 2 - 3 hours of bench time so $75 is a good starting point. Don't get me wrong, shop rate is $70/hr. so we offer a flat rate for these jobs unless we are doing them onsite. I charge $60 for virus and Malware removal in the shop too. If that doesn't fix it then I charge the difference for a reload.

Recently I have been jumping straight to the reload just because of time constraints. I will be raising my prices soon too. Seems my competition are all charging more than I. At least my official competition is. I know there is some home guys doing it for less but all they do is undermine the economy. Of course, try and explain that to someone wanting it on the cheap.

Reload = $75
Virus clean = $60
Add components = $35 but $20 for memory. (free depending on other work being done)
Motherboard = Minimum 1 hr.
Laptop(including MacBook) repair starts at $45
PC (including Mac) starts at $35

I currently have a 7 to 10 day wait time. First come first served and I will not hold a spot in line.

Hope this helps.


I'll spend no longer than 15 minutes trying toremove viruses otherwise I back up & reload the OS. How many times do you fix it then the customer goes to the same site or willingly compromises their computer and calls you back saying you didn't fix it? That happened to me at least 200 x till I started reloading the OS. Then when they call back and complain I explain :
I reloaded your OS due to a nasty virus so your computer is back to new... so what did you do?

Put the ball back in their court. Sure there are few that say they did nothing and complain about another trip to see them EVEN AFTER I WARNED THEM but when meeting them face to face, out of 100 only one person was still complaining they did nothing.

I'm tired of being the nice guy and giving away services for free because of someone else.
I'm trying to get more into the medium sized office IT consulting business but my skill set is not as good as it should be....If I had 1/100th of Riser's skill set I'd be sitting pretty.

My latest fiasco is trying to fix Server 2008R2 with Exchange 2010 sp1 with an owner that screwed things up and wants me to fix it....This is uncharted territory and I'm having a bitch of a time with certificates and a corrupted Exchange database..... the fun never stops!!! But the pay is good!!!

Nov 16, 2013
  • #17
If you go somewhere in pc world £500 or something is really asking you to buy a new pc. Fix it yourself with assistance in Tomhardware forum and knowledge of your own varies between 0 to 80 (depending if you need new kits).
Its up to you, increasing your own charge would be great unless if its your buddy in need and you feel sympathies with him give him a good value, otherwise go like they usually do $ per hr rate + materials.
  • #18
I work in IT, a co-worker brought in his personal laptop for me to fix, loaded up with malware viruses, even after cleaning it was extremely slow, talked with him decided reformat and reinstall Windows was the best option, which I did and install the latest drivers, some anti-malware programs etc,etc. How much should I charge for this. I had someone bring in there computer earlier and they gave me 150 bucks to repair a 300 dollar computer...

I know this is a unusual question.


Not an unusual question at all.
$150 is an acceptable charge for what you did.
Consider the exorbitant cost at a BestBuy or Staples - they'll charge $300, and not completely resolved the prob.

Good luck Snipergod

Jan 25, 2013
  • #19
I work in IT, a co-worker brought in his personal laptop for me to fix, loaded up with malware viruses, even after cleaning it was extremely slow, talked with him decided reformat and reinstall Windows was the best option, which I did and install the latest drivers, some anti-malware programs etc,etc. How much should I charge for this. I had someone bring in there computer earlier and they gave me 150 bucks to repair a 300 dollar computer...

I know this is a unusual question.

You might not realize but the customer wants the data, that's what is important!

  • #20
I normally charge £20 for a complete o/s install.

Your reply is retarded. You get what you pay for and I sure as hell wouldn't pay someone 20 for an install, you can't live on that!

  • #21
I normally charge £20 for a complete o/s install.

How can anyone live on doing an install of an os and just charge 20? Are you retarded?

Nov 17, 2013
  • #22
There is an unscrupulous woman who owns the cyber cafe round the corner from me and she charged some old fella £80 to change a cpu fan in a laptop. I wanted to say to him I would do it for £40, but he had given her the lappy. I get people ask me all the time,but its friends and I will help them out for a nites ale.
Charge friends half the going rates, and just under going rates for friends of friends.
Data retrieval however, take no prisoners. It is £100 just to look at it anywhere in the U.K..
  • #23
Hi Snipergod87,

This is very Important for you Because, this Charges Value is Depends on your Knowledge also the Skills for Solving the Problems ASAP.

so it's your wish for how much should charge them..


Jan 25, 2013
  • #24
Pull n Slave is a non negotiable expense $150 minimum and the owner better have the OS disc too. I'm tired of having to bitchslap MS into giving me a free code and taking up a hour of my time
Nov 17, 2010
  • #25
I have a similar situation. My girlfriend works as a receptionist in a salon. The girls there know I do computer stuff. The first problem was an old computer they use in the back for an old database, but mostly used to play internet radio. I attempted to fix their computer only to have the video go on me (it was a homemade Biostar desktop machine), but I replaced it with a newer Intel Core2Duo machine and it's been running great. Because I got it fixed (replaced) and working better, I get free haircuts for life!

The owner later had me work on her old Toshiba laptop. The keyboard wasn't showing all keys when pressed, and the power button was flaky. Another coworker of hers came to me with a laptop and a busted screen. I'm only charging for parts, but the coworker with the busted screen wants to pay me more. I was thinking $25-$35 dollars, but I "am" the nice guy, but also feel I'm not 100% qualified since I don't yet have my A+ certification which I'm working on, (and obligated since I get free haircuts -- maybe I should have opted for a bikini wax, haha).

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How Much Do I Charge For Computer Repair


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